Australia .. Do you apply the Islamic Economy ?!!
كتبهاأسامة مروان ، في 6 نوفمبر 2010 الساعة: 19:36 م
Australia .. Do you apply the Islamic Economy? !!
By Osamp Marwan, in the November 6, 2010 time: 18:17 PM
sorry for my bad English.This article translated by " google translate "
When we talked in our last article about the economic power , which leads the global economy (and what the current economic meltdown only a part of that system which is driven by this force); and explained how it worked on the collapse of the socialist fabric of the Communist first; because it affects the wrong side in the human directly, and then went out its work on west economoic- which were raised arrogance and smugness in the structure of return empty-free energy constructively, which is given to the material value and glory - And (this force majeure), the first thing that began to destroy all returns free of this energy: was this collapse that called: the global financial crisis!!
As we explained started second in the escalation of forces the former Socialist such as India, Russia, China and even Vietnam; not a final solution, but to achieve a relative balance in the financial system and global economic - and is the final solution as explained in our article: Solving the global financial crisis ..! ! حل الأزمة المالية العالمية..!!
(translate by yourself)
And what concerns us in this story is continuing to monitor the work of this economic power .. And we note that in the two announcements reporters may seem in contradiction and outwardly appear but in fact confirmed that the force continues its work and is to be very objective ..
The first news item says: he urged the parliaments of Australian colleagues in parliament to block a law that allows the IFS with the principles of Islamic banking, which prohibit the payment and charging interest, and said yesterday Korean Bernary who belongs to the Liberal Party opposition, saying: financial transactions corresponding to the law represent one aspect of Sharia Islamic, and I reject completely that should not adjust our legal system or the framework of our work in accordance with the laws so totally incompatible with Western values; This comes before the start of formal consultations this week on ways to make financial services compatible with Islamic law. (For the Egyptian newspaper Al-Shorouk 05/11/2010)
The second news item (and published in the newspaper Al Masry Al Youm same date) and says: Oklahoma vote in favor of banning "Islamic law" - despite the opposition 30% of the vote and the approval of 70% to the ban - and that despite the absence of cases or disputes be called for the ban - But, as Republican Rep. Rex Duncan: "I want to describe it as a preventive measure," adding, "We do not want to become a law of Sharia Islamic is dominant."
And the wonder that California refuses to - at the same time - Regulation of abuse "of marijuana!"
And a careful reading of these two pieces of news - in the light of what we will quote in our articles earlier - makes us see clearly: This economic power is working and moving in its way, quietly and confidence, and that the objective of it is the best and well-being of the world - and is not the in made, reflecting the Islamic law, but only express all the heavenly religions as a whole .. This apparent fear of the possibility of the hypothesis the application of Islamic law .. In fact it is not frightening at all .. Approach,and warne, in order to approve this application, and chaste courting of the East, and release balloons to test their own people, research centers have to have, are about to announce it publicly , did not find about it , some thing else .. And but are waiting for political decision at the right time .. And we say to them: Do not be embarrassed and let it say like us, the Arab: my hand does , not, however, Amr - and to be more easier for them, we say that a return to the right of virtue - As the world is now in the progress of the West and its civilization and its values; you are in urgent need of civilization and history of the East and its values - and so let the whole world to rise from the dead, before that day comes do not sell it and do not buy.
التصنيفات : غير مصنف | أرسل الإدراج | دوّن الإدراج
By Osamp Marwan, in the November 6, 2010 time: 18:17 PM
sorry for my bad English.This article translated by " google translate "
When we talked in our last article about the economic power , which leads the global economy (and what the current economic meltdown only a part of that system which is driven by this force); and explained how it worked on the collapse of the socialist fabric of the Communist first; because it affects the wrong side in the human directly, and then went out its work on west economoic- which were raised arrogance and smugness in the structure of return empty-free energy constructively, which is given to the material value and glory - And (this force majeure), the first thing that began to destroy all returns free of this energy: was this collapse that called: the global financial crisis!!
As we explained started second in the escalation of forces the former Socialist such as India, Russia, China and even Vietnam; not a final solution, but to achieve a relative balance in the financial system and global economic - and is the final solution as explained in our article: Solving the global financial crisis ..! ! حل الأزمة المالية العالمية..!!
(translate by yourself)
And what concerns us in this story is continuing to monitor the work of this economic power .. And we note that in the two announcements reporters may seem in contradiction and outwardly appear but in fact confirmed that the force continues its work and is to be very objective ..
The first news item says: he urged the parliaments of Australian colleagues in parliament to block a law that allows the IFS with the principles of Islamic banking, which prohibit the payment and charging interest, and said yesterday Korean Bernary who belongs to the Liberal Party opposition, saying: financial transactions corresponding to the law represent one aspect of Sharia Islamic, and I reject completely that should not adjust our legal system or the framework of our work in accordance with the laws so totally incompatible with Western values; This comes before the start of formal consultations this week on ways to make financial services compatible with Islamic law. (For the Egyptian newspaper Al-Shorouk 05/11/2010)
The second news item (and published in the newspaper Al Masry Al Youm same date) and says: Oklahoma vote in favor of banning "Islamic law" - despite the opposition 30% of the vote and the approval of 70% to the ban - and that despite the absence of cases or disputes be called for the ban - But, as Republican Rep. Rex Duncan: "I want to describe it as a preventive measure," adding, "We do not want to become a law of Sharia Islamic is dominant."
And the wonder that California refuses to - at the same time - Regulation of abuse "of marijuana!"
And a careful reading of these two pieces of news - in the light of what we will quote in our articles earlier - makes us see clearly: This economic power is working and moving in its way, quietly and confidence, and that the objective of it is the best and well-being of the world - and is not the in made, reflecting the Islamic law, but only express all the heavenly religions as a whole .. This apparent fear of the possibility of the hypothesis the application of Islamic law .. In fact it is not frightening at all .. Approach,and warne, in order to approve this application, and chaste courting of the East, and release balloons to test their own people, research centers have to have, are about to announce it publicly , did not find about it , some thing else .. And but are waiting for political decision at the right time .. And we say to them: Do not be embarrassed and let it say like us, the Arab: my hand does , not, however, Amr - and to be more easier for them, we say that a return to the right of virtue - As the world is now in the progress of the West and its civilization and its values; you are in urgent need of civilization and history of the East and its values - and so let the whole world to rise from the dead, before that day comes do not sell it and do not buy.
التصنيفات : غير مصنف | أرسل الإدراج | دوّن الإدراج

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