Re-Fareed Zakaria”The Post American World”"
كتبهاأسامة مروان ، في 20 أكتوبر 2010 الساعة: 20:01 م
sorry for my bad English.This article translated by " google translate "
Post American World - in this book occur Fareed Zakaria about the rise
of other powers, next to America - and stressed that it does not mean
the collapse of America - and what concerns us in this book refer to the
above, and we talked about earlier; on the force majeure is which
emerging, currently manages the global economy , and pushed toward a
system driven by new … And where we do not talk language puzzles, we
begin by pointing out what was said about the collapse of the Soviet
Union, quoting the words of Margaret Thatcher to describe the economic
situation in the world after the collapse of the Soviet Union, where she
said: "There are no alternatives," while in fact the alternative is
that force majeure that worked on the collapse of the Soviet Union!! But
continued to work and the oppressor and the access of causing the
global financial crisis - and what remains and will continue to impose
its norms and even up to its goal - and its goal alone - to be the only
economic alternative in the world … This is not a threat or terrorism,
but he read and aware of the logic of events ….
the rise of China and India and Russia; only because the economic power
that we are going to talk about -It is the same equation, which imposes
a balance between the socialist East and capitalist West:
in the East was erroneous equation is c> p the amount of energy
expended pursuant is larger than the dividend receivable against which …
And, in turn, the equation was wrong in the capitalist West is a p> c is more revenue receivable vs less energy ……
While these force majeure refuses any other equations rather to be the equation c = p any adequate return for the effort in an interview pursuant to … If some people do not accept justice ; but the power of the laws of nature accept that .. It also is not pleased with the water but be equal .
This foregoing and that we have referred to earlier in our articles on this blog for non-repetition and lengthening, please back to them and translate from arabic …
And, in turn, the equation was wrong in the capitalist West is a p> c is more revenue receivable vs less energy ……
While these force majeure refuses any other equations rather to be the equation c = p any adequate return for the effort in an interview pursuant to … If some people do not accept justice ; but the power of the laws of nature accept that .. It also is not pleased with the water but be equal .
This foregoing and that we have referred to earlier in our articles on this blog for non-repetition and lengthening, please back to them and translate from arabic …
Illustration to show how the work of the force majeure on the collapse of the communist system completely!!
شكل توضيحى لبيان كيفية عمل القوة القاهرة على انهيار المنظومة الشيوعية بالكامل !!
اضغط على الشكل للتكبير :

Illustration to show how the work of the force majeure on the emergence of the global financial crisis as a prelude to the complete collapse of the capitalist system!!
شكل توضيحى لبيان كيفية عمل القوة القاهرة على نشوء الأزمة المالية العالمية تمهيداً للانهيار الكامل للمنظومة الرأسمالية !!
اضغط على الشكل للتكبير :

الإقتصاد المحورى - إجتهاد إسلامى للمناقشة و الحوار…….
التصنيفات : غير مصنف | أرسل الإدراج | دوّن الإدراج

نوفمبر 4th, 2010 at 4 نوفمبر 2010 7:06 ص